Snowshoe hike Bartholomäberg
Sale ended

Starting from the church in Bartholomaeberg, the snowshoe hike takes you along important historical sites and gives you a fascinating insight into the millennia-old settlement history of the Montafon. During the tour you will also get to know the Montafon stone sheep. At the beginning with snowshoes on your feet, you will return to your starting point on a winter hiking trail.

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Duration0 Hour
Important information

Schuhgröße 36 ist für die Teilnahme an den Schneeschuhwanderungen Voraussetzung.


Sankt Bartholomäus, Dorf, Bartholomäberg, Österreich

Offered by

Montafon Tourismus
6780 - Bartholomäberg

Further information

When the experience of snowshoe trekking meets the Montafon’s fascinating history, there’s no better setting for this than the picturesque cultural landscape of Bartholomäberg. In one of the oldest mining areas of the Alpine region, you can hike through the dreamy winter landscape on the trail of the miners. Your destination is the mine, where you will be given an exclusive tour by hiking guide Klaus. Vorarlberg’s only historic viewing mine still tells the story today of the mysterious lives once led by the miners.


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